Archive for March, 2011

Irish Carbomb Cupcakes

Keeping with that resolution to track my recipes, here’s the St. Patty’s Day ones!  They have been all over the web the past few years, usually called Guiness cupcakes with Bailey’s frosting. My husband calls them Irish Car Bombs, even though it’s different booze! 😀

I saw a few recipes but chose this version from, with minor revisions.  I actually made them twice, last weekend for an Irish murder mystery party, and last night for coworkers today and friends this evening!

Makes 24 cupcakes


  • 1 cup unsalted butter
  • 1 cup Guinness stout
  • 2/3 cup Dutch-processed cocoa powder, sifted
    (I totally didn’t sift this, and I don’t know if my cocoa was Dutch-processed. :P)
  • 1 cup light brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon table salt
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 1 1/4 teaspoons baking soda
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 cup sour cream
    (My edit: When I made the second batch, I forgot we used up the sour cream on baked potatoes this week. The choice was run out to the store while guests were over, or use a fat free blueberry greek-style yogurt.  I went with the yogurt and I think the cupcakes came out tasting the same in both batches!)


  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter
  • 4 cups confectioners’ sugar
    (I used one box. See note under milk as well.)
  • 1 pinch table salt
  • 3 tablespoons irish cream (Bailey’s or Carolan’s)
  • 1 tablespoon milk
    (My edit: Milk is for wimps. Throw in 1 more tablespoon of Bailey’s instead. The first time I think I used more like 4.5 tablespoons of Bailey’s total, to get the right consistency, and I liked that icing better than the second batch! I since saw that some reviewers on did the same, some even cut down the sugar amount as well. Next time, I’d hold off on adding it all, and keep trying it as you adjust the consistency using Bailey’s and sugar.)
  • My addition: green food coloring to the icing, adjust to your preference.
  • green sprinkles (I added chocolate ones too.)


Prep Time: 40 mins
Total Time: 1 1/4 hr

  1. Preheat oven to 350°F Grease 24-30 cupcake cups, or fill with paper liners.
  2. In a saucepan, heat the butter, Guinness, cocoa and brown sugar, whisking often, until the butter is melted and the mixture is smooth. Remove from heat and allow to cool to room temperature.
  3. Into the work bowl of a stand mixer (or into a large mixing bowl), sift together salt, flour, white sugar and baking soda. Add the cooled Guinness mixture and beat on medium for 1 minute. Add eggs and sour cream and beat on medium for 2 minutes or until smooth.
  4. Divide the batter evenly amongst the cupcake cups. Bake in preheated oven 20-25 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of a cake comes out clean. Cool in pan 20 minutes, then remove and transfer to a cooling rack until completely cooled.
  5. Meanwhile, in (cleaned) work bowl of stand mixer, cream butter until very light and fluffy. Add salt, and slowly add confectioners sugar. Do not run the mixer above low, or the sugar will spray all over your kitchen. Add a couple of spoonsful at a time until it has all been absorbed into the butter. Add Bailey’s and milk until spreadable consistency is achieved.Add green food coloring (optional).
  6. Frost cupcakes with Bailey’s frosting. Sprinkle with green sugar and chocolate jimmies.


Booze content for those who need to know:  for 24 cupcakes, each one contains 1/24 cup (2/3 tablespoon) of Guinness and 1/6 tablespoon (1/2 teaspoon) Bailey’s (if 4 tablespoons were used total).

Blast from the Past

Thank you spammers for this one – an LJ post of mine is routinely hit by spam, but today I re-read my original post. I never posted much on LJ, it was mostly just to connect with one community board on there (for BPAL). But Miss Ter’i put an “Interview Me” meme up where you volunteer to answer 5 questions she asks you. .  I believe this was about two weeks after the Playa Del Fuego where I met my wonderful husband… (See #2!)



1) Describe some times in your life when have you felt strongest and most at-peace with who you are.

wow tough first one!
my first inclination is to say when i travelled in england/europe… although, while i felt strong and independent, i was still very much searching for myself.  but my times in glastonbury and the isles of scilly were awesome and i felt at home and peaceful with myself, even if i was still unsure of who that was!
second thought is burning man and related events….  not at first, and probably not even in the desert…  but eventually, being able to feel like i can truly be myself and not worry about impressing people, and then having friends and people who supported/respected me, just felt like home.

2) Love rolls into your life. Is it riding a motorcycle, driving a fancy car, dancing on-foot up a mountain road, pedaling a bicycle, hot-air ballooning…or…? (you take it from here…in other words, what vehicle did it ride in on?)

LOL… LJ only (cuz not sure he is ready to hear this, quite yet…. maybe… although we seem to be on the same page…)

it strolled/danced in wearing a bowler hat and fairy wings with a band aid on them (hence no flying ;o), on a grass path across from the fireside lounge at PDF.

sorry it’s not creative, but it’s honest ;o)

3) Tell me about your new tattoo.

heehee. I’ve wanted one for a long time, and had some different ideas. The one I ended up with came to me actually after BM last year.  I saw the celtic forest installation, and there was a drumming circle there at night, it was a cool spot but nothing stuck out in my mind any further than that. I didn’t even take a photo. (I didn’t take many, and used disposables) When I got home and stumbled upon either photos or description of the art, I learned the figure was Belisama, a celtic (well gaulish) goddess of fire, the forge, crafts, and is associated with a river in england.  I’ve wanted something that relates to BM and to fire and really wanted it before this year, since I’ll be performing in conclave. And she just seemed perfect. It hits fire, water, crafts, and burning man.  It has spiritual/pagan connections, but to strangers on the street i can just say it’s a sculpture from BM, and they’ll think it’s an angel. so it’s not “in your face” but has a lot of meaning to me, that i can choose how much of that to share.
Never expected to get it on my shoulder, but the artist is awesome and had really good points (the view is looking up at her, so it would be stupid to have it lower on my back!)  i’m thrilled. or will be when it stops itching ;o)

4) Where did the name ‘Hunnybear’ come from?

*sigh* i broke the unofficial “rule” and gave it to myself… because since my first PDF, i’ve taken and shared (although i forgot to share it much this past one) a bottle of Barenjager – a honey liquor that’s really yummy. not something you want to drink a whole bottle of, but perfect and unusual for people to sample! people remembered me based on that, and I grew up a winnie-the-pooh fan, so there ya go.  (I will accept an “official” playa name when given one that fits and isn’t too embarassing LOL)

5) Why poi?

Saw fire spinning at BM, then my first PDF…  Poi was the most common fire tool that I saw, and they sold ones that glow, so that’s why. and i surprised myself by not (always) being a complete klutz with them!  i still dabble in hoop and want to learn staff…. but i do love the poi!